Myths vs. Facts
Myth: Private School Choice Programs Violate the Separation between Church and state
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that appropriately-designed private school choice programs are fully constitutional. And numerous state courts have upheld the constitutionality of voucher, tax credit scholarship, and ESA programs.
Myth: School Choice Programs Drain Money From public Schools
Private school choice programs save taxpayers millions of dollars each year. When a student attends a non-public school using a voucher, ESA, or tax credit scholarship, state and federal governments usually do not have to pay a public school to provide an education for that student.
Myth: Students Don't Benefit from School Choice Programs
Numerous studies demonstrate that thousands of students experience an improved education through school choice programs. Even if the student performs the same as they did in a public school, they do not see a reduction in their academic experience.
Public schools are an integral part of American society, and, in many cases, they offer a quality education. But when public schools don’t work—or don’t work for all children—parents deserve a choice, whether that be a magnet school, charter school, private school, virtual school, home school etc. All students can learn, and we believe they should all have the opportunity to do so in a safe and supportive school, chosen by their parents, that meets their individual learning needs.
Myth: Only Republicans Support School Choice
School choice is a widely popular program. A recent poll conducted by Real Clear Opinion Research found:
School choice gives parents the right to use the tax dollars designated for their child’s education to send their child to the public or private school which best serves their child’s needs. Would you say you support or oppose the concept of school choice?
70% of Democratic voters voted yes.
83% of Republican voters voted yes.